Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Average Joe and the Beauty: Shadow Spinner is out now!


You can find it on Amazon.com/ajb.  Here's the blurb below:

After wishing for a more interesting life, average teen Joe Black now simply wishes for a return to normalcy. He lives a life of fear and stress after his principal tries to kill him. Liandra, whose mystical artifact is keeping Joe protected, seeks out information about her past through clues gained from investigating her old friend, Robert Grabas. During these investigations of his research facilities, she uncovers cruel experimentations with low survival rates performed on people who haven't the means to decline them. Liandra uses her mystical abilities to help those who can't help themselves and to uncover the truth about her past, which is tied intricately to Robert Grabas.

Grabas himself is seeking power by all means at his disposal. He seeks to kill Joe by using his old friend, Principal William Patrias to do the deed since the boy saw vital aspects of his trafficking operation. He also exploits his political clout, construction company, and personal relationships to empower himself and carry out his ever evolving goals. He wants Liandra at his side, but since she is nowhere near ready, he will help her unravel her past, the hard way.

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